How can I apply?
Apply through the dedicated platform on the HEC Business Game website.
As you will compete in a pair, start looking for your partner early on! You will each need to submit an application before the relevant deadline through our online application portal. If you do not have a partner, HBG will find one for you once you have been accepted.
Am I eligible?
You must be currently enrolled in a master's degree or the final year of a bachelor's degree to apply to HBG.
Note: HBG is not open to MBA and PhD students.
Do I need to be a business school student?
Not necessarily! We welcome students from all academic disciplines, including STEM, humanities, law, medicine and more!
How are participants chosen for the HEC Business Game?
Our team carefully considers each individual application. Invitations to interview will be based on the motivation and skills shown in your application.
Do I have to apply as part of a pair?
Students compete at HBG in pairs, and we encourage you to apply with your partner of choice. If you do not have a pair, the HBG team will assign you a partner if your individual application is successful.
What are the key event details?
The 2023 edition of the HEC Paris Business Game will take place on April 21-22, 2023 on the HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en-Josas, France. This is an in-person event!
How much does it cost to participate?
Your participation in HBG is covered by the Participant Fee and the Lodging Fee.
The Participant Fee covers all meals and drinks during the two-day event, including a dinner at the HEC Château and an afterparty in Paris on the Saturday evening! For those travelling from abroad, we also provide shuttle transport between the main train station and campus before and after HBG.
The Lodging Fee is a reduced fees for those who wish to stay at the Best Western hotel right next to campus.
For information, our fees for the HEC Business Game 2023 were as follows:
Participant Fee: 50€ (food, beverage, local transport, afterparty, Château dinner)
Lodging Fee: 4-star Hotel, 50€ per night (3 night stay)
Which language will be used?
The competition will be held entirely in English. You should be comfortable working in a professional setting in English.
Do I have to bring a laptop?
Yes, your laptop will be an essential tool at the HEC Business Game. Each pair will need at least one laptop between them, and we recommend each participant brings their own device where possible.
Are the challenges solved in teams?
Yes! You and your partner will form a pair - you will always remain in your pair so choose your partner wisely!
For each case challenge, 3 pairs will be randomly assigned to form one case team of 6 people, so you will get to collaborate with other participants across the two days!
Further questions can be directed to our team below!